II Chronicles 33. Manasseh was brought up in a good home but strayed from his spiritual foundation. But he returned to do good. Don’t give up on those you love who have strayed from their spiritual foundation.
Absalom stole the heart of the men of Israel and formed a war between he and his father King David.
Today’s message by Ray Thomas goes back to Exodus and the “night to observe” when the Lord passed through passing over the households who had applied the blood.
Earl Christian accepted Jesus as his Savior a few months ago and today he wanted to be baptized.
In Acts chapter 18 Apollos had light about John The Baptist message but he needed more light. Aquilla and Priscilla were just what he needed..
Moses turned aside to see the burning bush. God has had me to turn aside different times in my life. In this sermon I talk about my calling to the ministry that happened 40 years ago on February 17, 1984.
Jesus marvelled at the unbelieving Jews even after they witnessed His miracles and great wisdom in His teachings. If you don’t know the Lord as Savior I ask you to please listen and consider the consequences of eternity without Jesus.
Ray Thomas preaches a message about Knowing Jesus as the Good Shepherd. A Must Listen recommended by Pastor Tim.
What’s wrong with easy believism? If you ask a critic they will say everything is wrong with it. If you ask God, He will say that’s my plan. If it’s easy to be saved then “whosoever” can be saved.
If you ever want to go to heaven there is only one way you can get there. That is if you are made the righteousness of God in Jesus.