There are some Christians that insist on eating from the wrong tree of belief. The end result is, they stunt their spiritual growth. This message is about accepting what God’s word has to say about who we are as Christians.
The heart is the center of our thoughts and the seat of who we are. God asks only for our hearts.
Have you ever felt like you’re getting so much negative news, bad reports and attacks at the same time that you didn’t know what to do next? In this message Brother Ray Thomas tells the story of Jehoshaphat and what he did when he didn’t know what to do.
Dr. George Monday is an experienced Pastor and the writer of many Christian articles.
As Christians we enjoy our life in Christ knowing Him and having the assurance of salvation. As we learn more about Him the more exciting our life can be. We must keep in mind that there are people all around us who do not know Him as we do and we should seek Him to […]
Many times the believer forgets who he really is and all that the Father has provided for him through Christ Jesus. In this message Brother Ray Thomas reminds us of our position and standing in Christ in our relationship with the Father.