“The Blessed Truth Quartet” 1-29-17

The Blessed Truth Quartet is a Southern Gospel quartet from Indianapolis. Enjoy a great selection of songs they sang at our morning worship service. I personally recommend this group to any church that likes their style of music.

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“God Makes Better Choices” 1-22-17

Adam and Eve made a choice, Jesse made 10 choices. The crowd in Jerusalem made a choice. The choices they made were not the best choices. God always make the right and best choice. While it’s best to be patient and wait for God’s leading before making a decision we must also understand that God […]

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While it’s a Biblical fact that the believer in Jesus Christ has been made Holy and is sanctified and has eternal security in Jesus Christ there are some who refuse to accept this position. It would seem they are satisfied not to believe these wonderful truths. They are Happy not to be happy. We apologize […]

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“Accepting Grace and Giving Grace” 1-8-2017

Are you in the middle of a crisis with someone? Are they getting on your last nerve? Maybe you’re not the problem. It could be something else going on in their life and you are a perfect target to take their anger out on. Maybe you have a “Judas Iscariot” in your life. Jesus did […]

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“Jesus Is Perfect” 12-31-16

Jesus is ALL we need. He is perfect in everything HE did. His Love, His Salvation, His Sacrifice and His Completeness. He is Perfect! He is also the PERFECT solution to everything you face in life.

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“It Happened Overnight” 12-4-16

The negative events that happen in our life don’t just come to fruition overnight. There is a history that lead up to these setbacks. This message about David and Bathsheba relate to us today beginning with being in the wrong place.

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