“Not For Sale”

This is the story of Naboth from I Kings chapter 21. His vineyard was “Not For Sale”. We have vineyards in our lives that should not be for sale.

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GraceWay Fellowship Church is glad to support Andrew Farley ministries as one of our missions. Andrew has a web site at andrewfarley.org. if you wish to listen to more sermons like this or check out books he has authored. This is an excellent message that begins with a question someone sent to him about the […]

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“You’re Better Than Before” 3-5-17

A lot of Christians have gone through situations that have taken them to a valley. Some were gone for a long time. When they came to service for the Lord “They came back better than before” Samson was such a character where this is proven. Legalistic preaching ruins many Christians. Here is a message of […]

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