The Gospel Servants Quartet have been singing for 40 plus years. We were glad to have them at GraceWay Fellowship. Enjoy this special service of praise and worship.
This is the story of Naboth from I Kings chapter 21. His vineyard was “Not For Sale”. We have vineyards in our lives that should not be for sale.
After the resurrection of Jesus He appeared to the disciples in an upper room. The Bible says the disciples were glad when they saw him. This is our Easter service 2017.
While Jesus was paying the sin debt for the whole world only a specific group of people were a witness to the event. Even today the world still sleeps to the fact of the forgiveness of sins.
Jesus sent sin away and took sin away. God’s seed is in the believer. These are a couple of the quotes you’ll hear in this message.
Dr. Larry Lilly has been a long time friend to GraceWay Fellowship Church. Today Dr. Lilly preaches a great message on the Grace of God while tying in his prison ministry. Do you ever feel like you’ve gone to far away from God? Listen to how God’s grace reaches to the lost and restores anyone […]
GraceWay Fellowship Church is glad to support Andrew Farley ministries as one of our missions. Andrew has a web site at if you wish to listen to more sermons like this or check out books he has authored. This is an excellent message that begins with a question someone sent to him about the […]
A lot of Christians have gone through situations that have taken them to a valley. Some were gone for a long time. When they came to service for the Lord “They came back better than before” Samson was such a character where this is proven. Legalistic preaching ruins many Christians. Here is a message of […]