“No If’s And’s or But’s” 12-10-17

This message is about Christians having to deal with life issues like everyone else Christian or non-Christian. Christians make mistakes, do things wrong and do things right. No matter the case there are those on the sidelines who will make such statements like “They did that and call themselves Christian?” If a person has accepted […]

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“God So Loved God Gave” 12-3-17

John 3:16 says that God so loved us that He gave……. He has given so much! John 3:16 teaches us that The Father has demonstrated what love looks like. As we enter the Christmas season we need to demonstrate our love for lost humanity, those hurting and those who have been rejected. John 3:16 covers […]

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“God Is In The “RE” Business” 11-26-17

God is in the “RE” Business. Revealing Himself to us,Reconciling the world to Him, Restoring us and when we see the goodness of God it will bring us to Repentance. If you are not a Christian please listen very carefully to how God loves you. If you are a Christian know that He cares for […]

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“Dry Bones” 11-12-17

Ezekiel saw dry bones in a valley. God asked can these bones live? Ezekiel said “You know Lord” Christians wonder if they can be restored after failure. YES they can. Lost people wonder if they’ve gone to far to be saved… NO you have not. Dry bones can live….

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“All The Fixins” – Ray Thomas

The born again believer has all that Christ offers at salvation. Many times Christians are guilty of bringing “more” into their belief system than they should. These are filthy rags and should not be part of our beliefs. This message has a lot in it. As you listen remember……. What Jesus did at the cross […]

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“What Is Truth?” 10-22-17

There are many questions Christian believers have concerning topics in the Bible. Pilate asked Jesus “What is truth?” People simply want to know the truth of any matter. Today we touch on the truth of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, Baptism, Predestination and the Lords Supper.

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“Coming To The End” 10-15-2017

When we are coming to the end of our course (life) we may look back on our life time line and wish we would have done more. Paul had no regrets or shame when coming to the end. As a Born again saint we have nothing to be ashamed of for we are “in Christ […]

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