Are you hearing “another gospel” or are you hearing the “Real Gospel” The Father said “This is my beloved Son, Hear Him”.
There are many believers that feel if they sin that God will chase them down and “whip” them. God brings instruction to us when we have sinned. The instruction points us to Jesus and causes us to love Him even more because we learn how He loves us. Our sin has been imputed to Jesus […]
David was a man after God’s own heart. Why was he described this way? What was it about the Ark of the Covenant that David wanted to bring it back to Jerusalem? This message will give you the answers.
Turning Over The Tables is a message you need to hear. Ray Thomas references Jesus turning over the table of the money changers in the temple. There are tables that need to be turned over.
Today is December 31, 2017. This happens to be the last Sunday and last day of the year. On this particular day the temperature was 7 degrees and the roads were a challenge but a few of us made to the house of God. I was reminded that in the Bible there are many scriptures […]
Merry Christmas !!! O little town of Bethlehem. In Bethlehem there was 1700 years of history that set the platform for the birth of our Savior. Have you made room for the Christ of the manger in the Bethlehem of your heart?
As we come to Christmas this message is about the TRUE meaning of Christ’s coming. Christmas is not a dream BUT a reality.
This message is about Christians having to deal with life issues like everyone else Christian or non-Christian. Christians make mistakes, do things wrong and do things right. No matter the case there are those on the sidelines who will make such statements like “They did that and call themselves Christian?” If a person has accepted […]
John 3:16 says that God so loved us that He gave……. He has given so much! John 3:16 teaches us that The Father has demonstrated what love looks like. As we enter the Christmas season we need to demonstrate our love for lost humanity, those hurting and those who have been rejected. John 3:16 covers […]
God is in the “RE” Business. Revealing Himself to us,Reconciling the world to Him, Restoring us and when we see the goodness of God it will bring us to Repentance. If you are not a Christian please listen very carefully to how God loves you. If you are a Christian know that He cares for […]