“I Am A Christian” 9-23-18

Ray Thomas preaches “I am A Christian” What is it that makes a person a Christian? It is only one thing, BELIEF in the Lord Jesus Christ death, burial and resurrection. We are not identified by what our flesh does. It is only that Christ lives in our heart that is our true identity. If […]

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“The Simplicity Of The Gospel” 8-26-18

Why has the gospel message gotten so complicated? That’s a great question. The answer to why is because man has made it complicated! This message by Ray Thomas brings the gospel message back to what it is…”Simple”  no junk in between.

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“When I Get To Where I’m Going” 8-19-18

“When I get to where I’m going” is a popular song by Brad Paisley and Dolly Parton. After hearing that song it made me think more about Heaven and what I’ll do when “I get to where I’m going” To see Jesus Christ, reunite with loved ones who are in Heaven and then to thank […]

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“He Has Come” 8-12-18

The Holy Spirit has come…. There is no need for the church to pray prayers of “Praying the Spirit down” He lives in the heart of every believer. He is our comforter and helper and He is active in the new covenant church right now. HE Has Come !!!

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“Forsaking Your Nets” 8-5-18

Jesus said “Follow Me” the disciples straightway left their nets and followed Jesus. There are nets we need to abandon. Jesus calls and qualifies the unsuspecting people. He has confidence in YOU too.

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