Many Christians after suffering defeat and failures are sometimes told by others they can’t be used by God again or that God will place them on “the shelf”…. In this message I give a brief description of who my personal Bible hero’s are. They triumphed over their failures and went on to be used mightily […]
There are many teachers and preachers who say they are grace teacher’s. They name their church Grace, they write books on Grace but what is the message they are teaching?
This is the first Sunday of 2019. As we look forward to a new year let’s look back at Mt. Calvary and remember what Christ has accomplished for the world. Then we can be encouraged to move forward “Resting in Christ”
This is the last Sunday of 2018. I hope you know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Many people say they know Jesus but they only know Him as a historical figure. To know Him is to fully believe in Him as Lord and to receive Him into your heart. Many will say to Him […]
We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ through song. Enjoy and Merry Christmas.
For God so loved that He gave…..Today’s message is my Christmas message at GraceWay. Jesus has so much to offer and He gives many gifts to whosoever will come to Him. Merry Christmas
Are you persuaded for the things of Christ. You may totally agree or disagree with this message. Until you’ve come to a point In your life when “church tradition” no longer makes sense to you…..then you’ll remain not persuaded.. What a glorious day when Christians study scripture for the correct interpretation and learn that what […]
We all experience a wilderness and we all have experienced mountain tops. How we respond to them during those times is important. Be careful while on the mountain top because you will come down eventually. That’s when you can get hurt.
Jesus healed a man who could not hear and stuttered. What ever He did the people said He has done all things well. That is a true statement. This message is about all the things He has done and they are well.
Today I’ve invited one of our ladies to speak to us about her life and career choice. It is amazing how God intersects into our lives and clears a path for us. Enjoy this special message.