Israel sinned against God, Gomer sinned against Hosea. God could have judged Israel but showed mercy and grace. Hosea forgave Gomer and bought her back showing mercy and grace. God is so good that He allure’s us with His love.
I Believe God no matter what anyone says…. There are many philosophies that will challenge our thinking about God. Paul said in Acts 27 “I Believe God” ….. Me too.
After salvation we should trust God at all times in every situation. As we grow in Christ it’s called “Learning to Lean”
We ask many times “what is God’s will for me”? To sum it up, it is Jesus !
That thing that happened last week, last month, or last year is behind you. How ever it turned out don’t stumble over it. It is in your past. Paul said he was not looking back but he was going to move forward. “The rear view mirror is smaller than your windshield”. There is a reason […]
The word “if” only has two letters. “If” changes things because it makes things conditional. The Old Covenant was a conditional covenant between God and Israel. If Israel would obey THEN God would bless them. IF Israel disobeyed THEN God would curse them…. This message is about the differences between the Old Covenant and the […]
This the last service of our June Jubilee 2019. “How Great Thou Art” has been our theme all week. This message starts in Genesis and goes to Psalms then to II Cor. God was great at the beginning, He is great in the middle and He is great at the end. IT”S GRACE !
Have we ever really listened to what Jesus said? How did HE preach vs. what man says he preached? What did HE say about sin vs. what many say He said? Ray list’s a number of references regarding these questions.
Dr. Monday has preached several times at GraceWay. He is a regular speaker at our “June Jubilee.” He’s had several years of Pastoring experience and he is an author of many articles relating to grace. In this message he preaches about how God has manifested Himself throughout scripture.
Dr. Lyman Taylor is a friend to GraceWay Fellowship Church. He has preached at all of our June Jubilee meetings. I hope you’ll enjoy him preaching about God’s goodness as our theme this year is “How Great Thou Art”.