Choices, Cause and Affect 8-18-19

Brother Ray Thomas has a passion to help Christians grow in their faith by knowing the truth of God’s grace toward them. We make choices everyday. Some are good for us and some can work against us. We must remember that all choices have a cause and they affect us.

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“Eternal Security” 8-11-19

This is one of the most controversial topics among Christians. Eternal security or as some say “Once saved always saved”  There are many opinions about what eternal security means. Is it so we can sin more? As Paul said “God forbid”  Eternal security is couched with the ETERNAL LIFE we received at our new birth.

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“God Is Alluring You” 7-28-19

Israel sinned against God, Gomer sinned against Hosea. God could have judged Israel but showed mercy and grace. Hosea forgave Gomer and bought her back showing mercy and grace. God is so good that He allure’s us with His love.

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That thing that happened last week, last month, or last year is behind you. How ever it turned out don’t stumble over it. It is in your past. Paul said he was not looking back but he was going to move forward. “The rear view mirror is smaller than your windshield”. There is a reason […]

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“IF” 6-23-19

The word “if” only has two letters. “If” changes things because it makes things conditional. The Old Covenant was a conditional covenant between God and Israel. If Israel would obey THEN God would bless them. IF Israel disobeyed THEN God would curse them….  This message is about the differences between the Old Covenant and the […]

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