“Fear Not” 3-15-2020

While we are experiencing panic and fear from the threat of the Coronavirus (Covid 19), this message addresses how we as believers should approach the panic in our communities. I hope you’ll be encouraged to use the common sense and wisdom God has provided to face such a time as this.

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“Why Bother Ye The Master”

If you are needing encouraged today this is the message for you. Brother Ray Thomas leads us through Mark Chapter 5 pointing out how The Master, The Lord Jesus cares for you in three major events in the chapter. Enjoy !

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“Feelings That Matter” 2-16-2020

Everyone has feelings. Everyone has experienced a time of depression. Unfortunately depression can last a long time for some. Is it a sin to be depressed? Some say it is. This message addresses that question. This service is a little longer than usual because of some special announcements regarding church activities and more special music […]

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“Truly God Is Good” 2-9-2020

Truly my friend God is good, taste and see that He is. If you are not a Christian please listen to this message to learn that God really does love you and has given all He has to prove it by giving you His only Begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

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The Cause

David asked, “Is there not a cause”? If you struggle with your TRUE identity in Jesus Christ as a Christian this message will help you who you are at the core. David slew a giant that was almost 10 feet tall. Many Christians are fighting a giant called S-I-N. Find what happens to sin in […]

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