Paul said he was not ashamed of the gospel. Listen as Ray Thomas explains things about the gospel you may not have thought of.
We have a salvation that is RADICAL !!!
A message about Jesus being a friend to sinners and as a born again believer being His friend.
A message about heaven. Some questions and answers.
A July 4th message.
This is a great message I would encourage all ages to view. Dr. Monday emphasizes the fact that you can be used of God at any time in your life and how important you are. It’s not how you begin but how you finish is what people will remember. “Finish even if you wreck” is […]
Today is Father’s Day. June 20, 2021. This is a Father’s Day message about Jesse, the earthly father of King David.
How did you miss Him? This is a great question. Those who missed Christ coming the first time truly regret it now. I hope you won’t miss Him today. See what Moses and the prophets and the Psalms said about Jesus.
Jesus is ready to Lift You Up !
At Memorial Day we remember the fallen American soldier. Also today I want to reflect on the Martyrs from the past who continued spreading the gospel. The Apostles continued the message of Christ after His ascension to Heaven. And finally remembering the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross to set all men free.