Jesus came to be a light to the Gentiles. Not sure why the special music played twice…..
This is the Christmas message for December 2021. The announcement of Jesus coming is the greatest announcement to the whole world.
From Abraham to the manger in Bethlehem God has protected the bloodline of Jesus.
When the Pastor call’s he only wants to encourage you.
Life can change directions at any given moment. It is good to know that God is always with us no matter which way life turns.
I have decided to follow Jesus. I WILL NOT turn back to legalism.
What are the qualifications to be saved? You have to be dead….. Spiritually dead… We also celebrated our veterans for Veterans Day coming Thursday November 11, 2021. We had a surprise blessing today as our dear friend Ralph Fox who turns 97 next month attended the service today so we had him to sing his […]
Do you think God is looking for a future you or a right now you? This is a tremendous question.
Today at GraceWay Fellowship Church we enjoyed the sounds of “The Riddells” This family is from Central Indiana and sing from the heart what God has given them to sing. Kick back and enjoy some great southern gospel.
A message about believing upon Jesus Christ as Savior.