A message about the Love of God operating in our lives.
Enjoy the music of the GraceWay home singers and special guest singer Silas Eisenback.
Tonight is our closing service for the June Jubilee. Pastor Lyman Taylor preached God’s Grace toward man.
This is a message is from Ray Thomas as we continue our June Jubilee on “Grace, The glorious Theme”.
This is our first night of our annual June Jubilee. Paul teaches us that the born again believer has peace with God……
Our “June Jubilee” begins this week. Today’s service set the tone for the week. This year’s messages are about “Grace The Glorious Theme”
God has always preserved the bloodline of Messiah. Now that HE has come those who are saved are preserved in HIM.
God speaks to us differently than He did in the O.T.
Today is Memorial Day Sunday at GraceWay Fellowship Church. “I remember” is our theme.
God is right about what He says about you as a born again believer.