When you doubt your salvation go back to the place where you met Jesus.
Happy Valentines Day ! God gave us His heart at Calvary through His Beloved Son Jesus !
Rahab opened her door for the spies Joshua had sent to Jericho. When she did, she did in her belief of who God is and she was saved.
This message is especially for those Christians who have been trying to keep all the rules and regulations heard about from many pulpits in America. Jesus is Better Than rules and regulations. This is a message about God’s saving Grace and Grace for living. If you feel bound up with rules and regulations and feeling […]
Jesus is my life. I hope He is your life too.
John The Baptist was a man sent from God to introduce the Messiah. “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world” We were blessed that our membership increase by four more saints of God today.
The voices from heaven are still calling to the lost.
What if Jesus had never been born. What all would be missing? Salvation, Justification, Redemption, and so much more.
Ray Thomas preaching on the Word of God.
It’s the Christmas Season but don’t forget the why that Jesus came.