In the beginning God had always intended that man would live forever. Death became un-natural and it happened after man sinned.
God delivered the three Hebrew children from the fiery furnace. God delivered Jesus into the hands of sinners to be crucified. God delivered the born again believer from Hell.
A message by Ray Thomas about discouragement.
Welcome to Easter 2023 at GraceWay Fellowship Church.
Today is “Good Friday” join us in this service celebrating Jesus Christ taking away our sin on the cross at Calvary.
Jesus had some “Must Needs” as He was on His journey to Calvary.
David looked up at the cosmos and asked the Lord Jehovah – The existing One….. Master….. “What is man that you are mindful of him?” Also, today we celebrate one of our precious ladies as our Queen of the Day.
In the beginning it was paradise but then something happened. Sin entered the world. BUT GOD….. He had a plan to redeem man and now Jesus is gone to prepare the new paradise we will enter in Heaven.
Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they missed their day of visitation. Don’t miss yours !
Noah faced plenty of opposition when he was building the ark but he kept building and he was ready for the flood. In this life we face opposition from the enemy but we must keep moving forward with the plans God has made for us.