Jesus has finished the work that needed to be done. All He did is PERFECT !
Peter was so empowered by the Holy Spirit that even if he overshadowed the sick they were healed.
If you are saved then you are secure in Jesus. OSAS… Once Saved, always Saved.
Nothing can hold Jesus, the manger, the cross or the tomb. MERRY CHRISTMAS !
We have many precious promises from God.
There’s coming a day when some will turn from the truth and the “Facts” of the word of God unto fables.
The Psalmist said he would remember what God had done no matter what.
Look to Jesus if you want to have eternal life.
Southern gospel concert by the Victorious Trio
We all face a valley in this life. We have choices while in the valley. We can choose to be sad or bitter or….. we can choose to make it a well to nourish us and refresh us as we come out the other side.