“When I get to where I’m going” is a popular song by Brad Paisley and Dolly Parton. After hearing that song it made me think more about Heaven and what I’ll do when “I get to where I’m going” To see Jesus Christ, reunite with loved ones who are in Heaven and then to thank […]
God told Joshua to set up stones for a memorial to remember what God had done for Israel. We have stones in our world today. Lest we forget, we need to be reminded about our great heritage as Americans and our faith.
When we face the conflicts of life we need to remember to “Be still and know that God is God” and He will bring us through all trials and tribulations. You can trust God with the unknown future. HE”S GOD !
The Gospel Servants Quartet have been singing for 40 plus years. We were glad to have them at GraceWay Fellowship. Enjoy this special service of praise and worship.
This is the story of Naboth from I Kings chapter 21. His vineyard was “Not For Sale”. We have vineyards in our lives that should not be for sale.
Adam and Eve made a choice, Jesse made 10 choices. The crowd in Jerusalem made a choice. The choices they made were not the best choices. God always make the right and best choice. While it’s best to be patient and wait for God’s leading before making a decision we must also understand that God […]