We all face a valley in this life. We have choices while in the valley. We can choose to be sad or bitter or….. we can choose to make it a well to nourish us and refresh us as we come out the other side.
Job went through a lot from the devil but he didn’t quit.
Why do saved people doubt their salvation?
As a Born Again believer in Jesus can you give A Reason for your hope in Christ?
The three Hebrew children were cast into a fiery burning furnace but Jesus was there to greet them and they were not burned. He is ready to meet you and I when we are facing our trials too.
Luke 16 tells the story of a man who went to hell. His story is true as are the stories of others who have gone there in our times.
Do you realize how much faith you really have?
What’s wrong with easy believism? If you ask a critic they will say everything is wrong with it. If you ask God, He will say that’s my plan. If it’s easy to be saved then “whosoever” can be saved.
Prayer is “Talking to God” Just keep it simple.
God chose Joseph and Mary to be the earthly parents of Jesus.